
  • GUO Xuejun
  • Professor
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    Email: guoxj@nju.edu.cn

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    Research Field: Basic mathematics

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    Business address: Room 111A West Building


[34]Weidong Cheng and Xuejun Guo, On the 2-adic behavior of the number of domino tilings on a torus, to appear in Contributions to Discrete Mathematics.
[33]Weidong Cheng and Xuejun Guo, The non-congruent numbers via Monsky‘s formula, to appear in International Journal of Number Theory.
[32]Weidong Cheng and Xuejun Guo, 
Some new families of non-congruent numbers, Journal of Number Theory, Volume 196, March 2019, Pages 291-305.
[31]Xuejun Guo and Hourong Qin, 
The extended Bloch groups of biquadratic and dihedral number fields, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 222, Issue 12, December 2018, Pages 3968-3981.
[30]X. Cheng and X. Guo, 
On the 2-primary part of tame kernels of real quadra tic fields, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series July 2016, Volume 32, Issue 7, pp 807–812.
[29] Xuejun Guo, Yuzhen Peng,Hourong Qin, 
On the representation numbers of ternary quadratic forms and modular forms of weight 3/2, J. Number Theory (140),2014,235-266.
[28]Xiaoyun Cheng, Xuejun Guo, On K_2(E_Z)for the Elliptic Curves y^2-y=x^3-x, Journal of Nanjing University Mathematical Biquarterly,Vol.30, No.2, 2013, 177-181.
[27] X. Cheng, X. Guo and H. Qin, 
The densities for 3-ranks of tame kernels of cyclic cubic number fields, Sci China Math, 2014(Jan 01), 57: 43–47, doi: 10.1007/s11425-013-4622-0.
[26]X. Guo and H. Qin, 
The tame kernels of number fields, Fifth Internationa l Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (2012), AMS and International Press, 293-304.
[25]X. Guo and H. Qin, 
Governing fields of the $K_2\O_{\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{dp})}(2)$ as p varies, Number Theory and Related Area ALM27, 41-50.
[24] Y. Peng and X. Guo, 
The K_1 group of tiled orders , Communications in Algebra, 41:10 (2013 Oct 05), 3739-3744.
[23] X. Guo and H. Qin, 
The 8-rank of tame kernels of quadratic number fields, Acta Arith. 152 (2012), 407-424.
[22] X. Guo and H. Qin, 
Imaginary quadratic fields with Ono number 3, Communications in Algebra, 1532-4125, Volume 38 (1), 2010, 230-232
[21] X. Guo, 
An adelic approach to intertwiners, preprint.
[20] X. Guo, 
On the 4-rank of tame kernels of quadratic number fields, Acta Arith. 136 (2), 2009, 135-149.
[19] X. Guo and A. O. Kuku, 
Higher class groups of locally triangular orders over number fields, Algebra Colloquium 16 : 1 (2009), 79-84.
[18] X. Guo, 
Even dimensional higher class groups of orders, Math. Z. (2009) 261:617–624.
[17] X. Guo, 
The 3-ranks of tame kernels of cubic cyclic number fields, Acta Arith. 129 (2007), 389-395.
[16] X. Guo and H. Qin, 
The 3-adic regulators and wild kernels, Journal of algebra 312 (2007), No 1, 418-425.
[15] X. Guo and A. Kuku, 
Wild kernels for higher K-theory of division and semi-simple algebras, Contributions to Algebra and Geometry 47 (2006), No. 1, 1-14 .
[14] X. Guo, 
The torsion elements in K2 of some local fields, Acta Arithmetica 127 (2007), 97-102
[13] X. Guo and H. Qin, 
Uniqueness of Moore’s higher reciprocity law at the prime 2 for real number fields, J. K-theory 01 (2008), 185-192.
[12] X. Guo, 
A remark on K2 of the rings of integers of totally real number fields, Communications in Algebra 35 (2007), Issue 9 , 2889 - 2893.
[11] X. Guo, A. O. Kuku and H. Qin, 
On K2 of division algebras, Communications in Algebra 33 (2005) No. 4, 1073--1081.
[10] X. Guo and A. O. Kuku, 
Higher class groups of generalized Eichler orders, Communications in Algebra 33 (2005) No. 3, 709-718.
[9] X. Guo and H. Qin, 
An embedding theorem for Eichler orders, Journal of Number Theory 107 (2004), No 2, 207-214.
[8] X. Guo and H. Qin, 
A remark on the positivity for K2, Journal of Algebra 270 (2003), No. 2, 369-373.
[6] G. Song, X. Guo and P. Du, K1 groups of semi- perfect rings, Advances in Mathematics (China) 32 (2003) No.2, 195-200.
[7] X. Guo, H. Qin and G. Song, 
Computing the tame kernel of Q(ζ8), Communications in Algebra 31 (2003) No. 2, 1-12.
[5] X. Guo and G. Song, 
A remark on computing the tame kernel of quadratic imaginary fields, Acta Mathematica Sinica 18 (2002) no. 3, 513--516.
[4] X. Guo and L. Li, 
K1 group of finite-dimensional path algebra, Acta Mathematica Sinica 17 (2001) No 2, 273-276.
[3] X. Guo and G. Song, 
Diagonalization of idempotent matrices over APT rings, Mathematics Research and Expositions 21 (2001) No 1, 21-26.
[2] G. Song and X. Guo, 
Diagonability of idempotent matrices over non-commutative rings, Linear Algebra and its Application 297 (1999) 1-7.
[1] X. Guo and G. Song, 
FPF rings and the Aut-Pic property, Math Study 31 (1998) No 4, 394-399.