
Rigidity and non-rigidity of $H^n/Z^{n-2}$ with scalar curvature bounded from below

发布人:发布时间: 2023-04-04

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题目:Rigidity and non-rigidity of $H^n/Z^{n-2}$ with scalar curvature bounded from below 

报告人:史宇光 教授(北京大学)

时间:2023年4月13日 10:00-12:00


摘要:We present a counterexample to a generalization of Min-OO's hyperbolic rigidity theorem proposed by M.Gromov, and also prove a rigidity result of ALH manifolds with scalar curvature bounded from below. This talk is based on my recent joint work with my postdoc Y.H. Hu and my Ph.d. students P.Liu, T. Z.Hao.

邀请人:陈学长  老师

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